Friday, May 20, 2011

Healthy Eating Habits - Contribute to transformation!

We've all heard about the impact of poor nutrition and unhealthy eating. NIYLP has always maintained a healthy nutrition policy as part of programming. Through role model, providing healthy options and education, NIYLP continues this policy at our National Leadership Camp.

Over the past 28 years we've heard youth say, "I never tried that before. I like it" or "Can I make this at home?" or "Do you have directions so my Mom can make this for us?".

We encourage you to be part of this on-going awareness raising and transformation. You can help introduce new foods and healthy eating habits at our 29th Annual Camp by sponsoring a meal for a camper ($8 donation); sponsoring 3 meals plus snacks ($20 donation) or sponsor 3 meals and snacks for 7 days ($75 donation).

We also welcome sponsorship for all meals for 7 days for 140 participants - contact to help!

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