Friday, March 11, 2011

PV Camp Implementation Training - Space limited to 20 attendees

This training will happen during the 29th Annual Project Venture Leadership Camp. We are expecting over 75 youth from across the US and Canada for this life changing experience. You will learn through observation, shadowing, training sessions, reflection and feedback! Truly an experiential learning opportunity!

Prerequisites: Attendees must be either implementing a Project Venture program or planning to implement a Project Venture program within the next six months.

Participants will:

  • Learn about planning, scheduling and staffing a multi-day leadership camp.
  • Learn about risk management issues.
  • Shadow an experienced PV Experiential Educator.
  • Plan and facilitate at least one activity session with adults.
  • Participate in daily reflection and debriefing sessions about what was observed.
  • Participate in a question and answer session with PV Developer Mac Hall.
  • Be introduced* to facilitation for: rock climbing, rapelling, challenge course, archery, hiking, mountain biking, service learning, Horse Inspired Growth and Healing and cultural programming.
  • Work on a camp plan for their own community.

    *this does not include technical skills training.
  • July 13 – 19, 2011
  • Location: Sacred Mountain Camp near Mt. Taylor in New Mexico
  • Limited to 20 participants
  • Fee: $600 (includes meals)
    • Project Venture Camp chaperones can register to attend the PV Camp Implementation training for an additional $100 ($600 combined registration fee).
  • Attendees are responsible for own tent and sleeping bag.
  • Attendees who prefer to stay at Sky City Casino Hotel are responsible for their own lodging and transportation to camp. To make the trip daily you must have access to a high clearance vehicle and allot at least 45 minutes travel time each way.
  • Programming begins daily at sunrise and ends approximately 9:00 p.m.

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