The Center for Disease Control has determined that promoting and strengthening “connectedness” is important in the prevention of suicidal behavior.
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in 15-24 year olds. For Native youth, the death rate is 1.8 times higher than the national average. For every 1 person who takes their own life, a minimum of six survivors are struggling to cope. In 2007, there was an equivalent of 94 suicides per day in the US.
Components of Connectedness as identified by the CDC:
· BBetween individuals: Greater degrees of social integration (number of friends or social interactions; lower levels of social isolation).
· BBetween individuals and family/community: Positive attachments fostering a sense of belonging and value and access to larger support group.
· BBetween community organizations: Collaboration and partnerships between youth servicing agencies.
The National Cross-Site Study of High Risk Youth Demonstration Programs, funded by SAMHSA, indicates that Project Venture ( an evidence-based program NREPP) focuses on “Connectedness Building” through outdoor education, team building, trust building, service to community and nature, meaningful relationships, caring and cooperative community building, connection to culture and tradition.
In addition to supporting the implementation and sustainability of PV programs, NIYLP’s consultation team is a resource to communities to build capacity/collaborations for readiness to implement evidence-based prevention approaches.
PV is currently being implemented as a component of a community wide suicide prevention program. A new PV implementation is being planned in Thoreau, NM and funded through OptumHealth New Mexico, a small community which has suffered a high number of teen suicides in 2010.
NIYLP founder and PV developer McClellan Hall has been appointed to the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Executive Committee.
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