Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wilderness First Aid Course - Albuquerque

NIYLP recommends that Project Venture facilitators are Wilderness First Aid certified! Certification is part of a solid risk management plan!

Here is a great opportunity to participate in a course in Albuquerque!

Wilderness First Aid Course

REI Albuquerque

Saturday, June 12 and Sunday, June 13


REI is partnering with the Wilderness Medicine Institute of NOLS to offer a comprehensive two day course that will teach you the wilderness medicine skills you need to recreate with confidence in the backcountry. From the Patient Assessment System through traumatic, medical, and environmental emergencies, you'll experience a wide variety of topics designed to prepare you to act if an accident occurs. This is a 16 hour course over two days. You will have both in store classroom time and hands on practice scenarios. This course can be used to recertify a Wilderness First Responder, Wilderness Advanced First Aid or the Wilderness portion of a wilderness EMT. No prerequisites required. Cost is $200 for REI members, $220 for non-members. Register at www.REI.com/albuquerque or through REI customer service, (505) 247-1191.

For more information, e-mail Dara Johnson at darjohn@rei.com.

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